Month Flat Week Day

Committee of the Whole Council Meeting

Tue. 15 Aug, 2023 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

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Conference Room, Administrative Centre
Tuesday August 15, 2023
7:00 p.m.

(Councillor Mood-Nickerson)


1. Approval of Agenda.

2.  pdf Approval of minutes of the last meeting held August 8, 2023. (245 KB)

3. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings:

4. Presentation - Kassia Regnier Re:  pdf FoodCycler Pilot Program. (7:00 – 7:15 p.m.) (5.65 MB)
                                                                                     Questions (7:15 – 7:30 p.m.)

5.  pdf DPW Cost Shared Paving Program. (821 KB)

6.  pdf Wesley Heritage Comm. Seniors Assoc. Grant Application 2023/24. (196 KB) (Deputy Warden Crook)

7.  pdf Correspondence Re: Provincial New Housing Development Projects. (501 KB)

8. Service Exchange Agreement: -  pdf MFCG Fact Sheet (130 KB)
                                                     -  pdf Agreement Impacts to MODB (111 KB)

9.  pdf Camping Facilities at Sand Hills Beach Provincial Park. (193 KB)

10.  pdf NSFM Update. (134 KB)

11. In-Camera Session Re: Acquisition of Property – MGA Section 22(2)(e).

12. Report on In-Camera Session.

13. Agenda Items for Future Meetings.

14. Adjournment.