Funding Assistance for Recreation

Kids Fair Play Fund 

Kids Fair Play Fund provides funding to Shelburne County children and youth from families facing financial barriers so they can participate in recreation, sport, and cultural activities.


The Kid’sFair Play Fund program is administered by the Municipality of Shelburne in cooperation with the five other Municipal units in the County with support from local businesses, community groups, and individuals.


New Application Process in place as of April 1, 2024

A new application process will begin April 1, 2024, in which approvals will be based on financial eligibility. Both online and paper form applications will be available and will be revised to reflect the new application process.

  1. Applicants must be aged 18 or younger
  2. Funds can be used for registration and/or equipment
  3. Total funding will not exceed $200 (per application period)
  4. Application period is April 1st to December 31st
  5. Approval is based on financial eligibility and Stats Canada’s LICO (Low Income Cut-Offs)    pdf LICO Chart 2023 (35 KB)
  6. Application will not be reviewed until all information is received
  7. Complete applications will receive a letter within two weeks after submission notifying of the status

To determine financial eligibility for funding, one of the following must be provided with an application:

  1.  Most recent CRA Notice of Assessment
  2. Social Income Assistance Statement
  3. Endorsement from the Department of Community Services


How to Apply

Online Application:

Click the button below and follow the instructions.


Paper Application

Kids Fair Play Fund Application

  1. Print and fill out the application form and include any documents required to determine financial eligibility
  2. Submit the completed application and required documents in one of the following ways:
    • In-person: Municipality of Shelburne Recreation & Parks Department, 414 Woodlawn Drive, Shelburne OR Barrington Recreation, 2447 Highway 3, Barrington
    • Mail: P.O. Box 280, Shelburne NS, B0T 1W0
    • Email: Scan completed application and required documents and email to 



Donate to Kids Fair Play Fund

Donations can be cash or cheque and can be mailed to P.O. Box 280, Shelburne NS B0T 1W0. Cheques are to be made out to Kids Fair Play Fund.Financial donations can be made and receipts will be provided for income tax purposes. 


Other Sources of Support

Canadian Tire Jumpstart

Provides funding of up to $300 per child per season and $600 per year for sport registration and/or equipment. Proof of family income is required. Visit Canadian Tire Jumpstart or contact your local Recreation Department for more information.



Provides funding of up to $300/year/child for sport registration/equipment. It must be for a sport registered with Sport Nova Scotia and proof of family income is required. Visit KidSport or contact your local Recreation Department for more information.