Building Inspection Department

The Building Inspection and Development Officer is responsible for:

  • All aspects of Building and Demolition, including but not limited to, issuing permits and carrying out required inspections
  • Civic Numbering: issuing new civic numbers and maintaining existing ones.
  • Fire inspections: protection of life and property through the prevention of fire
  • Subdivisions: review and approve subdivisions
  • Development and Zoning: ensure that all development and zoning in the Municipality of Barrington meets applicable by-laws

Property inspections are carried out when permits are issued for construction, demolition, or significant building alterations.

David Andrews
Building Inspector/Development Officer/Fire Inspector
Phone: (902) 637-2015 ext. 231
Fax: (902)637-2075

Devan Waybret
Junior Building Inspector
Phone: (902) 637-2015
Fax: (902) 637-2075

Nicole d'Eon
Administrative Assistant to the Building Inspectors
Phone:(902) 637-2015 ext. 230
Fax: (902)637-2075

Please note that municipal planning documents, such as the Municipal Planning Strategy, Land Use By-Law and Subdivision By-Law, can be found under the "Plans and Strategies" webpage.

(When applying for permits, forms must be obtained from the Building Inspection Dept.)