Strategic planning is the process by which an organization determines its long-term goals and the actions needed to reach them. It is a useful process that blends high level visioning and objective analysis of goals and priorities to chart a future course of action in the face of competing priorities. The success of any strategic plan comes from its successful implementation. It is critical for organizations to link their strategic planning efforts to other critical decision-making processes, and to ensure to support priorities and to guide trade-offs among competing demands for time and resources.
For municipalities, the strategic plan is a keystone document. It guides it towards where it would like to be in the future (proactive) versus having to deal with situations as they happen (reactive) and includes the steps it will take to get there. It also involves stakeholders in visioning the preferred future which helps produce a flexible plan derived from internal discussions and external sources of input.
default 2022-2025 Strategic Plan (3.86 MB)
Integrated Community Sustainability Plan Municipalities throughout Canada are required to prepare Integrated Community Sustainability Plans (ICSPs) in order to access gas tax revenues to fund green infrastructure projects in their municipalities. The ICSP is a long term community plan designed to provide vision and direction for the Municipality of Barrington as it navigates towards a healthy and prosperous future. This planning document recognizes the integrated and interdependent relationship between the economy, the environment and the social and cultural dimensions of our communities.
pdf Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (1.70 MB)
Through adaptive planning and preparation, the Municipality of Barrington will continually strive to become a more sustainable and resilient community to the effects of climate change. In accepting that climate change is everyone’s concern, Barrington will foster a mentality that promotes a Municipal-wide responsibility for adaptation strategies. Barrington will be proactive in the implementation of adaptive policy and will strive to become a leader in sustainable planning practices.
Municipal Planning documents provide the policy framework for land use and development control as well as a long range vision for the future to encourage that the communities within the Municipality will prosper and thrive for generations to come. These planning documents recognize the integrated and interdependent relationship between the economy, the environment and the social and cultural dimensions of our communities.
The Municipality of Barrington and the Town of Clark’s Harbour have developed a Physical Activity Strategic Plan in partnership with the Department of Health and Wellness, the plan is specifically targeted to the area and reflects the culture of the area.The strategic plan caters to the entire population of the Municipality of Barrington and the Town of Clark’s Harbour. It will be implemented in stages over the next five years.
pdf Physical Activity Strategic Plan Municipality of Barrington (1.09 MB)
The Municipality of Barrington’s Beaches Strategy is an encompassing strategy that makes clear the need to manage our beautiful beaches in consultation and collaboration with key stakeholders. The MODB identified our beaches as one of their key action items in its Strategic Plan under Promotion and Support of the Tourism Industry. Council has committed $250,000 over the next 5 years to support the improvement and development of its beaches.
Municipality of Barrington Beaches Strategy
In 2020, The Municipality of Barrington formed an Accessibility Advisory Committee to carry out requirements of the Accessibility Act of Nova Scotia (2017). The committee advises the Municipal Council on identifying, preventing and eliminating accessibility barriers to municipal programs, services and infrastructure. The mandate of the Committee is to assist in the development of our first Accessibility Plan and to help us become an accessible community for all to enjoy.
This plan is the result of the collaboration of the Municipality of Barrington, the Accessibility Advisory Committee, the Nova Scotia Accessibility Directorate and members of the public. Members of the public provided input byway of a survey and during an open house held in October 2021.
pdf Municipality of Barrington Accessibility Plan (10.78 MB)