The Municipality of Barrington has over 1,158 streetlights throughout the Municipality at a total cost each year of approximately $160,000. This represents about $0.04 per $100 of assessment which equals $40 per year for a homeowner with an assessed home value of $100,000.
The placement of street lights in the Municipality is to provide for and ensure a certain level of safety and security for vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic. In doing so, Council must also minimize the environmental impact of street lights while meeting these needs. The Municipality may consider the placement, removal, relocation or addition of a street light, in accordance with the conditions specified in the Municipality's Street Lighting Policy. Please contact the Municipal Office at 902-637-2015 for more information.
To report a streetlight which is out or not working properly, please fill out a report form at or call the Municipal Office at 902-637-2015.