Waste Collection / Waste Management

NEW: Two (2) bag system for blue bags: residents are asked to separate paper & boxboard into a separate bag from recyclable containers.


In the Municipality waste is collected weekly. A two-blue bag recycling system is used - one bag for paper products and one bag for containers (glass, plastic and metal). Cardboard can be bundled for collection. Food and other organic waste is collected in a green bin. Residual waste (garbage) is collected in clear transparent bags and/or black bags. Our waste by-law has more information on the municipality's waste collection and disposal rules and regulations.

For residential properties, a maximum of 5 bags (garbage and recyclables) and one green cart can be placed curbside each week. For Industrial, Commericial and Instituional properties, a maximum of 12 bags (garbage and recyclable) and 2 green carts can be placed curbside each week.

Most paints and solvents, waste oil, corrosive cleaners, strong acids and alkalis as well as house and garden pesticides can be taken to the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) depot located at our Construction and Demolition Debris Disposal Site at 1138 Highway 103. For more information on this, visit the sites webpaage here: Construction and Demolition Disposal Site.

Electronics such as computers, monitors, TV's, printers, telephones, DVD's, stereos, digital cameras, etc. can be taken to Oak Park Bottle Exchange located at 400 Oak Park Road. Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. For more information their phone number is 902-637-3808. For a complete list please visit Divert Nova Scotia's webpage or phone 1-877-313-7732

If you have any questions on the proper disposal of items, recycling, or regular pickup, please contact the muniicpal office at 902-637-2015.

Refrigerators and freezers that are 10 years of age and older, between 10 and 25 cubic feet and in working condition are eligible for pickup and rebates from Efficiency Nova Scotia.  Non-working appliances do not use electricity and therefore are not eligible for pickup and rebates.  To schedule a pickup call 1-888-303-2103.  For more information on eligibility, pickup or recycling, please visit the Efficiency Nova Scotia website.

Please Note: 1 bulky item can be placed curbside every week. Bulky items include refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, furniture (expect solid wood furniture - i.e. oak table), mattresses, rugs, etc. Bulky items are collected along with the municipal solid waste on a daily basis.

Collection Schedule


Yarmouth County Line to Shag Harbour Fire Hall and Brass Hill.


Shag Harbour Fire Hall to and including Sherose Island.


Lower Clarks Harbour, The Hawk, South Side, Clam Point, Stoney Island, North East Point on the Stoney Island Road.


West Head, Newellton, Centreville, North East Point on Hwy 330, McGray's Avenue, Sherose Island Causeway to Anthony Estates in Barrington, Factory Hill Road, Oak Park and Riverhead.


Anthony Estates, Villagedale Road, Baccaro, Port La Tour, and Clyde Areas. 

Residual, Recyclable, and Organic Materials are collected every week.


Download the free R6Recycles mobile app on your Android or iOS device to have waste info at the palm of your hand!

Search what goes where, the collection schedule or sign up for weekly reminders and service alerts below.

Waste Collection

