Civic Numbers
In accordance with the Municipality of Barrington Civic Addressing Bylaw, all dwellings and businesses must have a reflective civic sign clearly displayed on their property. Vacant properties are not issued civic numbers. A clearly visible civic number can help Police, Fire and Ambulance services find your address in an emergency. A civic address includes a: civic number; street name/type; and a community name.
Signs must be displayed on the same side of a public street or a private road as the property is located and be visible from either direction. The signs must be displayed in a location that is not obstructed from view when viewed from the closest place on the traveled portion of the public street or private road upon which the property is situated or from which it has access and shall be a minimum of 48 inches above the ground.
Posting your civic number sign correctly ensures that emergency vehicles can respond to an emergency in a timely fashion. For more information on how to obtain a civic number and civic sign, please contact the Building Inspector’s Office at 902-637-2015, ext. 230 or e-mail at
For more information, download the civic numbering brochure.
Getting a Sign
Civic Signs can be purchased from the following businesses within the Municipality:
- Causeway Computers (signs & posts): 902-637-3733
- Ocean Computer: 902-637-2398
- Passage Print & Litho: 902-745-3157
- Pro Nova Marine: 902-723-0265
Posting a Sign
The owner if a lot on which a building is located must display and maintain their assigned civic number in the following manner:
- civic numbers shall be easily identified and legible;
- the minimum height of numbers on all properties shall not be less than four inches (100 mm);
- the bottom of the numbers shall be a minimum of forty-eight (48) inches above the ground;
- civic numbers shall either be composed of highly reflective material (white letters on a blue background work best) or be effectively illuminated during the hours of darkness;
- civic numbers shall be displayed on the same side of a public street or a private road as the property is located and be visible from either direction;
- civic numbers shall be displayed in a location which is not obstructed from view when viewed from the closest place on the traveled portion of the public street or private road upon which the property is situated or from which it has access; and civic numbers shall be displayed in a horizontal orientation.
What happens if I don't put up a civic sign?
A notice will be sent to you by mail to undertake remedial action. If compliance does not occur within 21 days, the Municipality may undertake the work the owner’s expense. Any person who violates any provision of the by-law may also be subject to a fine between $100 and $500.