Arena News

A request for Proposals to provide Canteen Service at the Barrington Municipal Arean was issued in June, 2015. 

No proposals have been received.

As a result, the Municipality of Barrington will once again be operating the canteen at the Arena for the coming season. 

Proposed Changes to the Liquor Control Act

MOB Crest BW

Municipality of The District of Barrington
P.O. Box 100
Barrington, N.S.
B0W 1E0


A request from the Alcohol, Gaming, Fuel and Tobacco Division of Service Nova Scotia is considering two changes to the Liquor Control Act. These changes will impact the Municipality of Barrington, and they are requesting feedback and comments in regards to these proposed changes.

The two changes proposed are as follows:

1) Alcohol, Gaming, Fuel and Tobacco (AGFT) and the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation are proposing making amendments to the Liquor Control Act that would make the entire province wet and remove the requirement for plebiscites. It is recommended that the legislative amendments not be proclaimed for one year to allow municipalities to introduce zoning or by-laws to restrict any areas that are currently dry that they would like to remain dry.
2) Alcohol, Gaming, Fuel and Tobacco (AGFT) is proposing a minor amendment to the Liquor Licensing Regulations which would allow an Eating Establishment to provide up to two (2) drinks to a customer without the requirement to order food. If a customer would like in excess of two (2) drinks then they would have to order a meal, as is the case under the present regulations.

The Municipality of the District of Barrington has been requested to consider these changes and provide feedback to the Alcohol, Gaming, Fuel and Tobacco Division of Service Nova Scotia.

Feedback on these two proposed changes may be sent to:

Service Nova Scotia
Alcohol, Gaming, Fuel and Tobacco Division
Reference: Liquor in Eating Establishments
Reference: Removing Dry Areas and Plebiscites
Torrington Place, 2nd Floor
780 Windmill Road
PO Box 545
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
B2Y 3Y8

  pdf  Current Municipal Wet and Dry Designated Areas (641 KB)

  pdf Consultation Document - Liquor in Eating Establishments (86 KB)

  pdf Consulation Document - Removing Dry Areas & Pebliscites  (94 KB)

Municipality of Barrington Launches New Website


Municipality of The District of Barrington
P.O. Box 100
Barrington, N.S.
B0W 1E0


Warden Eddie Nickerson
Telephone: 902-635-1682 cell



Barrington, N.S., Thursday, July 09, 2015 -

The Municipality of Barrington has launched its re-designed website – Featuring a completely new layout and design, the website was developed based on feedback from council and staff, as well as the needs of visitors and residents of the municipality.

The refreshed site provides a contemporary design and more intuitive user experience for visitors. "Our new website has been developed to enhance the user experience,” said Tourism & Community Development Officer, Suzy Atwood. "The website’s drop down menu navigation makes it much easier to find information that’s important to our residents and visitors. With its built-in responsive design, the website adjusts for easy viewing on any device, making it more convenient and accessible.”

The website was developed through a partnership with the Association of Municipal Administrators, Nova Scotia’s Municipal Website Venture. Designed specifically to address the state of municipal websites in the province of Nova Scotia, the Municipal Website Venture's mandate is to substantially improve the standard of its client’s websites, lower development, operating and promotional costs while empowering municipal staff with no technical background to manage their websites.

Key features of our new website include:
• Powerful search function
• Improved navigation
• Social media integration
• Community events calendar
• Document Management System
• Interactive Map
• Site Map
• Responsive design – the new website will customize itself to make accessing information on your mobile phone, tablet or desktop computer easier than ever.

“Our website is the first impression many people have of our municipality,” said Warden Eddie Nickerson. “It is a portal that allows residents, businesses, and visitors to connect with local government and is one of the most powerful tools to engage our residents and keep them informed.”

For more information on the Municipality of Barrington, please visit

  pdf NEWS RELEASE (165 KB)

Barrington Municipal Summer Newsletter

The Municipality of Barrington's Summer Newletter is now available to download. pdf Click here to view.  (1.53 MB)

Our newletter will no longer be sent by Canada Post unless requested. The newletter may be viewed on our website or you may subscribe by calling 902-637-2015 or email -  . Newsletters are prepared twice a year. 

Recreation Department Summer Guide

The summer months are a very busy time for the Barrington Municipal Recreation Department. We offer many different programs for children and adults alike.

Please contact the Barrington Recreation Department for more information on our programs or to register. 902-637-2903

  pdf Download our Full Summer Program Guide. (180 KB)