Festival of Lights Celebration - Opening Postponed

Due to the weather the opening of the Festival of Lights (lighting of the tree, light exchange, and fireworks) is postponed until SUNDAY DEC. 6th at 7:00pm

Festival of Lights - December 3 - 12

Festival of Lights

The Festival of Lights begins on December 3 and run through until December 12.

Our Winter Festival of Lights is a celebration of both Christmas and a kick off for our Lobster Season. Come visit and see our giant Lobster Trap Christmas Tree! The Tree is located at the Cape Sable Island Causeway and is decorated with buoys of present day fishermen and in memory of those fishermen who have passed on and/or who have been lost at sea. We kick off the festival with the lighting of the Lobster Trap tree and a spectacular display of fireworks over Barrington Bay! Be sure to check out our shop local promotion and a wonderful parade of lights!

Highlights of the Festival includes

Lighting of the Lobster Trap Christmas Tree
Parade of Lights
Fireworks over Barrington Bay
Shop Local Promotions
Lighting of the Lens (Seal Island Light Museum) & Old Fashioned Christmas Carol Concert at the Old Meeting House Museum
Christmas House Tours
Lobster Dip
Christmas Craft Markets
Santa’s Visit

  pdf A printable brochure can be downloaded here (1.14 MB)

Barrington/Port La Tour Fire Hall Update

The new Barrington/Port La Tour fire hall construction is moving along well and a little ahead of schedule.
The walls are in place, trusses are up and the roof is sheathed in and the metal roof will be here on Nov 30. The crew is expecting to start installation of the roof covering soon after it arrives.

The large overhead doors will be here on December 11th and they will be installed soon after, weather permitting. The windows are here and some of them are in place along with the door frames for the access doors which will be installed soon.

firehall 2firehall 3

firehall 4

Request for Proposals - External Auditing Services

The Municipality of Barrington reviews its professional services on a regular basis. As part of this process, external auditing services proposals are requested for the next five fiscal years of the Municipality of Barrington ending March 31, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. 

You are invited to submit a proposal to provide external auditing services for the Municipality of Barrington. 

Please see the full document that will provide a common framework for the Municipality of Barrington to assess each Proposal in a professional manner in a demonstrabaly fair process. 

Closing Date - November 19, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. 

RFP - North East Point Waterfront Development - Rock Wall

Request for Proposals

North East Point Waterfront Development
Municipality of Barrington

The Municipality of Barrington invites requests for proposals for the re-construction and construction of the rock wall/breakwater and infilling at McGray Avenue, North East Point, Cape Sable Island. The work will mainly consist of re-constructing the rock wall/breakwater with the existing rocks and adding new rocks if necessary while maintaining the original footprint of the wall and infilling with rock and/or pit run gravel to make it level for the construction of a boardwalk.

All work at this site must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. There will be a mandatory On-site Meeting for all interested parties on November 10, 2015, at 3:00 p.m.

Sealed proposals, clearly marked “North East Point Waterfront Development – Rock Wall” must be received at the Municipal Office not later than 2:00 p.m., Friday, November 13, 2015. Tenders will NOT be accepted by email or fax.

Proposals will be opened publicly by Municipal Staff on Friday, November 13, 2015 at 2:45 p.m., in the Conference Room, in the Administrative Centre, 2447 Highway No. 3, Barrington, N.S., for review and recommendation to Council.

The successful proponent will be required to provide adequate insurance coverage with the Municipality named as “Additional Insured” and a copy of a Letter of Good Standing with the Workers Compensation Board.

The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, not necessarily accept the low proposal, to accept any proposal which it may consider to be in its best interest, or to waive formality, informality or technicality of any proposal.

October 27, 2015
Cameron Whiteway
Barrington, N.S. Property Services Manager
P.O. Box 100
Barrington, N.S.
B0W 1E0
PH: (902) 635-0181

pdf RFP NEP Waterfront Development (180 KB)