NOTICE - “Snow and Ice Clearing and Maintenance By‐law”
In accordance with Section 169 of the Municipal Government Act, notice is hereby given that the Barrington Municipal Council at their meeting held January 25, 2021, gave second and final reading to the adoption of the Snow and Ice Clearing and Maintenance By‐law.
The by‐law prohibits property owners from clearing snow and ice from their property on to municipal sidewalks, roads and lift station service doors. The by‐law also identifies offences and penalties.
NOTICE - Amendments to By‐law No. 25 “Tax Exemption By‐Law”
In accordance with Section 169 of the Municipal Government Act, notice is hereby given that the Barrington Municipal Council at their meeting held January 25, 2021 gave second and final reading to amendments to By‐law No. 25 “Tax Exemption By‐law” to remove Agape Café Youth Ministry from Schedule “A”, as they no longer own the property identified as AAN 01612204.
In accordance with Section 6(2) of the Municipal Housing Corporations Act and Section 2(3) of By‐laws of Bay Side Home Corporation, the Municipality of Barrington is accepting applications from individuals wishing to serve on the Bay Side Home Board of Directors to fill a vacancy currently existing on the Board.
Closing: Tenders will be received up to 2:00 p.m., local time, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2021 in a sealed opaque envelope plainly marked "TENDER NO. MODB2101 – SALE BY TENDER – SURPLUS EQUIPMENT”
The Municipality of Barrington is accepting Expressions of Interest from individuals from the Municipality wishing to serve on the Audit Committee.
There will be two (2) citizen vacancies on the Committee, effective April 2021.
The Committee oversees the external audit of the Municipality’s financial statements and the resolution of audit findings. The Committee also reviews internal controls, accounting systems and risk management.