Under the NS Accessibility Act, the Municipality of Barrington is required to develop an Accessibility Plan by April 1, 2022. Over the past 6 months, the Accessibility Advisory Committee has been developing a plan that will outline our commitment and achievements to date and will also identify future actions to be taken to address existing barriers within our municipality. One requirement of the act that is essential for a successful Accessibility Plan is consultation with the community. We are therefore requesting members of the public to complete this Accessibility Survey to help us identify strengths and weaknesses.
In accordance with Section 205(4) of the Municipal Government Act and the Public Participation Program Policy of the Municipality of the District of Barrington, the Planning Advisory Committee will hold a Public Participation Meeting to discuss and receive oral and written presentations from the public concerning the following:
Proposed amendments to the Land Use By-law to clarify and strengthen current regulations relating to agricultural uses such as differentiating between agriculture activity which is accessory to a main residential use versus primary use of land and standards for various types of agricultural activities and structures (barns, pastures, manure storage areas, etc.).
BARRINGTON, NS, - In light of the below average amounts of rain recently and the potential for another drought, the Municipality is advising the public that it has restructured its assistance response plan.
CAO Chris Frotten explains that “although we are proud of our response in the past, it is not sustainable to continue assisting in the same manner. These measures were temporary in nature and do not address the long-term issue. In addition, it put on undue burden on many volunteers for an extended period of time. With extremely dry weather in the last 5 years, this is no longer an emergency. It is more of a new normal that we must all prepare accordingly for.”
In the event that drought conditions are experienced by a large number of residents, the Municipality will provide the following assistance:
Unlike past years, the Municipality or its Fire Departments will not be providing water deliveries, water sources at its fire halls, distributing drinking water or providing laundry services at the arena.
Warden Nickerson “reminds residents to keep an eye on their neighbors, especially those living alone or in a vulnerable situation. If need be, we can help some with resources and options if they are significantly affected.”
As noted, the Municipality recognizes that there are vulnerable individuals/households in its communities that do not have the means to address the issue on their own. It is committed to continuing to help them within reason and this assistance will be determined on a case-by-case basis. All inquiries related to special assistance should be sent directly to Dwayne Hunt, EMO Coordinator at or by calling 902-637-2015.
A reminder to all residents that the Municipality has a Water Supply Upgrade Lending program which can assist residents finance a new well. For information on this program, residents can contact the municipal office at (902) 637-2015 or visit https://barringtonmunicipality.com/Municipal-Services/water-shortage-assistance.
In addition to the municipal program, Housing Nova Scotia also offers a variety of programs for emergency repairs as well as repairs related to health and safety. More information on these programs can be found at: https://housing.novascotia.ca/programs/financial-assistance-and-grant-programs-homeowners.
Media Contact:
Chris Frotten, CAO
TAKE NOTICE that Council of the Municipality of the District of Barrington, on April 26, 2021, approved the following:
1. Amendments to the Land Use By-law to add the definition of a lobster storage facility and to identify approved zones and setbacks for these facilities.
2. The Application received from Duramax Holdings Inc. to establish a lounge in the Commercial General (CG) Zone, on their property located at 3412 Highway 3, in Barrington Passage, AAN 10260841, by Development Agreement, as per the Land Use By-law.
Documentation and the Development Agreement can be inspected by any interested person between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, exclusive of holidays, at the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer.
Further take notice that an appeal of the above decisions must be filed with the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board, Box 1692, Unit “M”, Halifax, N.S., B3J 3S3, (1-855-422-4448) not later than fourteen (14) days from the date of this publication, since after that date, if there are no appeals, amendments to the Land Use By-law will become effective and the Development Agreement will be signed.
BARRINGTON, NS, - The Municipality of the District of Barrington approved their 2021/2022 municipal budgets during their Regular Council meeting held on April 26, 2021.
CAO Chris Frotten explains that “the budget is one of the most important documents produced by the Municipality and both Council and Staff have worked hard to put together a document with COVID-19 impacts in mind, while maintaining municipal services and also making the necessary investments to help meet the future needs of our municipality.”
After reviewing all of the relevant information, including its strategic plan and priorities, and taking into consideration the continued impacts of COVID-19, Council carefully deliberated on the budget before setting rates and developing future capital project plans.
The largest projects planned for this fiscal year are the completion of the new recreation centre to replace the existing, renovations to the Municipal Administrative Centre, including accessibility upgrades, a new Public Works building to replace the existing, the completion of the improved internet project in Eastern Barrington, and upgrades to the Brass Hill Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The residential tax rate will increase by $0.02 to $1.07 per $100 of assessment, and the commercial rate will stay the same at $2.56 per $100 of assessment. The total expenditures for the Municipality of the District of Barrington for the 2021-2022 fiscal year are budgeted at just under $13.5 million dollars. This includes approximately $2.1 million for policing and other protective services, $1.4 million for education, $4.8 million in capital investments and $1.1 million for solid waste collection and disposal.
Warden Eddie Nickerson explains that “mandatory and operating expenses are outpacing our revenues and with an aging and declining population and aging infrastructure, the future will have its challenges. For this reason, Council reviewed its services and has increased its residential rate to better reflect rising costs and save and build appropriately for the future. We take this decision very seriously, which is why long-term planning, and an efficient use of resources are fundamental to achieving the necessary outcomes for growth and the delivery of services.”
Council is very excited to be moving forward on a number of projects that will see much needed improvements to capital assets and proper planning for future projects. A copy of the detailed budget and highlights can be found on the municipal website.