Notice - Second Reading By-Law No. 25

Barrington Municipal Council is considering amendments to Schedule “B” of By-law No. 25 Tax Exemption By-law to provide tax exemptions to properties of the Barrington Leisure Park Association, located in Barrington Passage, identified as AAN 10540402 and AAN 04969529.

Proposed amendments may be inspected at the Municipal Office located at 2447 Highway No. 3, Barrington, NS, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday or a copy can be provided to you by contacting the Municipal Office.

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Develop NS Internet Update

On November 16, Develop Nova Scotia provided an update on the progress of the Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative, which includes two outstanding projects in our Municipality.

They have provided an overview on the status of the projects, an update on estimated completion timelines, tips and tools, as well as answers to frequently asked questions. We know high-speed Internet can’t come soon enough and they assure us thatthey continue to advance this project with urgency, working closely with our qualifiedproviders and partners.

To read the update, visit

.For more information on the projects, visit 

Open House - Development of Accessibility Plan



An Open House will be held on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., in the Multi-Purpose Room, in the Administrative Centre, located at 2447 Highway 3, Barrington, NS, to receive public input to assist with the development of an Accessibility Plan for the Municipality.

The plan will outline our commitment and achievements to date and will also identify future actions to be taken to address existing barriers within our communities.
Please drop by on October 20th to provide your input and to obtain information on requirements of the Nova Scotia Accessibility Act.

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Accessibility Survey

Under the NS Accessibility Act, the Municipality of Barrington is required to develop an Accessibility Plan by April 1, 2022. Over the past 6 months, the Accessibility Advisory Committee has been developing a plan that will outline our commitment and achievements to date and will also identify future actions to be taken to address existing barriers within our municipality. One requirement of the act that is essential for a successful Accessibility Plan is consultation with the community. We are therefore requesting members of the public to complete this Accessibility Survey to help us identify strengths and weaknesses.

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Public Participation Meeting

In accordance with Section 205(4) of the Municipal Government Act and the Public Participation Program Policy of the Municipality of the District of Barrington, the Planning Advisory Committee will hold a Public Participation Meeting to discuss and receive oral and written presentations from the public concerning the following:

Proposed amendments to the Land Use By-law to clarify and strengthen current regulations relating to agricultural uses such as differentiating between agriculture activity which is accessory to a main residential use versus primary use of land and standards for various types of agricultural activities and structures (barns, pastures, manure storage areas, etc.).

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