NOTICE - Amendments to By‐law No. 25 “Tax Exemption By‐Law”
In accordance with Section 169 of the Municipal Government Act, notice is hereby given that the Barrington Municipal Council at their meeting held January 25, 2021 gave second and final reading to amendments to By‐law No. 25 “Tax Exemption By‐law” to remove Agape Café Youth Ministry from Schedule “A”, as they no longer own the property identified as AAN 01612204.
Amendments may be inspected at the Municipal Office, in the Administrative Centre, located at 2447, Highway 3, Barrington, NS, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Amendments to By‐law No. 25 “Tax Exemption By‐law” become effective on the date of this publication.