Meeting Archive

Here are the agendas and minutes of meetings prior to February 2025:

Code of Conduct for Elected Officials

The public expects the highest standards of professional conduct from elected officials in local government. The new Code of Conduct for Elected Municipal Officials, as prescribed by the Province, aims to outline the expectations for the behavior of council members in fulfilling their duties and making decisions that benefit the constituents of their municipality. The Council is accountable to the community through democratic processes, and this Code will help ensure good governance in the Municipality of the County of Barrington.

The new Code of Conduct came into effect in the Province of Nova Scotia following the October 2024 municipal elections and was formally adopted by Council at their Regular Council meeting on November 25, 2024. To view the regulations and Code of Conduct, visit the Code of Conduct for Municipal Elected Officials Regulations.

If any resiodent feels that an elected official has breached the Code of Conduct, they may reach out to the independent investigator to discuss the issue further.

Contact Information:

Marc Dunning
Interim Investigator
1900 - 1801 Hollis Street
Halifax, NS B3J 3N4
Phone: (902) 482-7017

2022 Boundary Review

The Municipality is required by s. 369 of the Municipal Government Act to conduct a review of its polling districts every 8 years.  The current review is taking place this year in preparation for the next Municipal Election in 2024. 

The first phase of the review is to determine if the current 5 municipal polling districts are still the appropriate number. The second part of the review will look at the districts to make sure that there are about the same number of voters in each district. The target is for districts to be within +/-10% of each other. Any variance exceeding this target must be justified by the Municipality in its application to the Board. Factors that may support higher variances include the need to accommodate population density, community of interest or geographic size.

In January, Council passed a motion directing the CAO “to commence the boundary review with the intention of retaining the status quo with minor changes being made where necessary and with particular attention being given to the boundary between District 2 and District 5 in the Oak Park – Riverhead area, as that boundary has caused some confusion to residents in the past.” (C220101)

Although status quo is the intended outcome, public consultation is an inherent part of the review. The type and amount of consultation is within council’s discretion, but it should give members of the public an opportunity to express their views on the size of their council or upon the location of boundaries municipal polling districts. 

For this reason, we would like to hear from you in person or online as follows:

Public Open Houses

Open houses were held on July 13, 20 and 27 throughout the Municipality. At these open houses, staff provided background information on the review, answered questions and recorded feedback from participants.

Online Survey

The survey is now closed. The deadline to submit responses was July 31, 2022.

District Boundary Maps

 Dsitrict 1  West - Charlesville to Lower Shag Harbour    Map
 District 2  Central - Bear Point to Barrington West   Map
 District 3  West Bay - North East Point to West Head   Map
 District 4  East Bay - The Hawk to Clam Point   Map
 District 5  East - Barrington to Clyde River   Map

2022 UARB Application

On September 27, 2022, Council directed the CAO to draft an application to the UARB to confirm the present number of councillors at 5 and further to confirm the boundaries of the polling districts with an amendment to the boundary between Districts 2 and 5 that would see District 2 take in all of the Oak Park Road. In this case, the boundary for District 5 would be adjusted to stop at the intersection of Oak Park Road and River Road, near the Esso Gas Station.

On December 22, 2022, our application was submitted to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board. The application can be viewed default here (14.53 MB) .

On May 5, 2023, the UARB issued a decision approving our application to maintain the five polling districts and to change the polling district boundary in the vicinity of Oak Park Road. The decision can be viewed here

Past Reviews

2012 UARB Decision

2015 UARB Decision

Waste By-Law Review


It has been 11 years since the Municipality’s Collection, Storage and Disposal of Waste By-Law (No. 8) has been reviewed and our residential and commercial landscape has evolved significantly since then. For this reason, the Municipality is updating its Waste By-Law to make it more responsive to our residents and businesses.

By-Law reviews are complex, technical and time-consuming, requiring a high level of attention to detail and a thorough understanding of:

  • the community’s needs;
  • council’s priorities;
  • applicable technologies and trends;
  • potential gaps in the existing by-law;
  • new or amended legislation; and
  • resource implications of implementation.

The Waste By-Law Review Project will review and update the By-Law, considering specifically the:

  • frequency of collection
  • disposal limits
  • use of black bags
  • collection of commercial waste
  • collection of industry specific waste (i.e. seafood, tourism, RV)
  • offering of special collections (i.e. metal, wood, Christmas tree, spring/fall, bulky items)
  • fines for discouraging improper separation and disposal


The review process will be separated in six phases that include a total of 36 key steps. The phases are:

  1. Scoping
  2. Research and Analysis
  3. Consultation
  4. Development of New By-Law and Assosciated Report
  5. Committee and Council
  6. Implementation

For more information on each phase, click here for the framework.




Project Contact

For questions about this project, contact Chris Frotten, Chief Administrative Officer, at .

Official Results

Past Election Results

Results from past elections and plebiscites are provided for your information. Results are in PDF format. 


2020 Results 

District 1
CANDIDATE   VOTES PERCENT                    
George El-Jakl*   381      81%                                
Wayne Malone   32 7%                    
Darren Perry   60 12%                    

100% of polls reporting (5 / 5)                                                                                        *Incumbent
43% of electors voted (461 / 1079)


District 2    
CANDIDATE   VOTES PERCENT                    
Murray Atkinson*   195 35%                    
Andrea Mood-Nickerson   299 53%                    
Mark Smith   70 12%                    
100% of polls reporting (6 / 6)                                                                                                 *Incumbent
43% of electors voted (564 / 1327)


District 3
CANDIDATE   VOTES PERCENT                    
Shaun Hatfield*      366 67%                    
Lewis Ross   183 33%                    
100% of polls reporting (5 / 5)                                                                                                *Incumbent
57% of electors voted (549 / 955)


District 4
CANDIDATE   VOTES PERCENT                    
Natasha Brown   68 14%                    
Eddie Nickerson*   366 86%                    
100% of polls reporting (5 / 5)                                                                                               *Incumbent
50% of electors voted (434 / 860)


District 5
CANDIDATE   VOTES PERCENT                    
Fred Bower   53 12%                    
Jody Crook*   254 72%                    
Tricia Newell   55 16%                    
100% of polls reporting (6 / 6)                                                                                               *Incumbent
29% of electors voted (362 / 1232)

Official Results

Past Election Results

Results from past elections and plebiscites are provided for your information. Results are in PDF format. 


2024 Results


District 1
CANDIDATE   VOTES PERCENT                    
George El-Jakl*     344  70%                    
Laura Ross    34  7%                    
Eric Shand    117  23%                    

100% of polls reporting (2 / 2)                                                                                        *Incumbent
48% of electors voted (495 / 1027)


District 2    
CANDIDATE   VOTES PERCENT                    
Murray Atkinson    223  36%                    
Becky Kenney-Nickerson    81  13%                    
Amy MacKinnon     297  51%                    
100% of polls reporting (2 / 2)                                                                                                 *Incumbent
45% of electors voted (601 / 1340)


District 3
CANDIDATE   VOTES PERCENT                    
Tremaine Blinkhorn    218  31%                    
Shaun Hatfield*     333  48%                    
Lewis Ross    144  21%                    
100% of polls reporting (2 / 2)                                                                                                *Incumbent
74% of electors voted (695 / 937)


District 4
CANDIDATE   VOTES PERCENT                    
Daniel Chetwynd    4  1%                    
Eddie Nickerson*     408  72%                    
Dorothy Penney    153  27%                    
100% of polls reporting (2 / 2)                                                                                               *Incumbent
69% of electors voted (565 / 819)


District 5
CANDIDATE   VOTES PERCENT                    
Cynthia Bazinet     290  57%                    
Jody Crook*    222  43%                    
100% of polls reporting (2 / 2)                                                                                               *Incumbent
44% of electors voted (512 / 1170)