Municipality Offers Water Assistance

The Municipality of the District of Barrington has now put the following assistance in place to assist those of you in need of support with the lack of water. Please continue to let us know what your water situation is like, and if there are other ways we may be able to assist. We know that nothing will solve this issue like steady rain, but it is our hope that these fixes will help to some degree.

Showers at Arena

The showers are available at the Arena for public use. This week the schedule will be as follows:

Tuesday August 30th from 9-11am

Tuesday August 30th from 1-3pm

Wednesday August 31st from 2-4pm

Thursday September 1st from 6-8pm

Drinking Water

The Municipality has a supply of drinking water at the Ground Search and Rescue Building (3329 Hwy 3) to be given to residents.

This will be available for pick up at the following times:

Monday August 29th 5-7pm

Tuesday August 30th 10am-Noon

Tuesday August 30th 5-7pm

Further times will be determined.

Water Fill Station

There are taps by the RV Dumping Station at the Sherose Island Rec Complex where residents can fill buckets. This water is NOT TREATED, and should only be used for flushing toilets/ washing clothes.

Compiling list of those with Issues

Please continue to let us know what your situation is like, and if there are other ways the Municipality or someone else may be able to help. This is a very caring community and there are those that have offered to help. Please also remember to check on your neighbours, especially those living alone or most vulnerable.

or call (902) 637-2015, or drop in to the Municipal Office.


Rob Frost

Chief Administrative Officer

Municipality of the District of Barrington

(902) 637-2015

Public Use of Showers

Due to the shortage of water, the Municipality of Barrington will ensure that the Sandy Wickens Memorial Arena is open at the following times this week for residents to use for showering if needed.

Tuesday August 30th from 9-11am

Tuesday August 30th from 1-3pm

Wednesday August 31st from 2-4pm

Thursday September 1st from 6-8pm

News Release - Water Concerns

Municipality of the District of Barrington
P.O. Box 100
Barrington, N.S.
B0W 1E0

Rob Frost, CAO

Telephone: (902) 637-2015
August 26, 2016


Water Concerns

The Municipality of the District of Barrington has heard from a number of residents who are dealing with a lack of water due to the extreme dry conditions that we have been facing this summer. Although the Municipality does not provide, or have access to, a registered water source, Council and staff are investigating how we can assist those with the greatest need.

We are currently developing a list of those that are without water, and are having difficulty in getting water due to financial or logistical issues. If you, or someone you know, are without water please have them email () or call (902 637-2015) the Municipality to provide us with the details of your current situation. Please provide your name, address, details of the number of people in the household, current water situation, how you are currently addressing the situation, and contact info.

Council recognizes that without a substantial amount of rain in the coming weeks that this situation will only worsen, and are taking action to do what we can to assist.
Council and staff would also ask that you check on your friends and neighbours, especially those most vulnerable, to ensure that everyone is finding access to drinking water.

  pdf  Download Full News Release (57 KB)

Waterfront Development Park Officially Named

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On August 22, 2016, the Barrington Municipal Council approved the naming of the new park/boardwalk development in Barrington Passage, near the Cape Sable Island Causeway.

Council had recommended running an online contest to name the new park development. Through the Municipal Facebook pages, the public was asked to suggest a name for the park. Over 60 name suggestions were submitted through this process. On Monday evening, Council agreed the new name would be Island View Park.

Council would like to thank everyone who participated in the naming contest, and would like to congratulate Prudence Blades, Christine Nickerson, Amanda Rhyno and David Hibbs Nickerson who all suggested Island View Park.

An official opening of the park will be held once the park is completed.

Travel Restrictions Lifted for Mainland Nova Scotia

NATURAL RESOURCES--Travel Restrictions Lifted for Mainland Nova Scotia


Restrictions on travel and activities within the woods announced last week have been lifted for mainland Nova Scotia. Travel restrictions for Cape Breton were lifted on Aug. 15.

"After plenty of hard work by firefighters and the good fortune of rainfall, we are now able to safely open the woods to travel," said Natural Resources Minister Lloyd Hines. "I want to thank Nova Scotians again for their co-operation and understanding while these restrictions were in place.

"I realize it has been a challenging week and we are very appreciative of the patience and concern people have demonstrated across the province."

People are able to enjoy the woods and trails, but are encouraged to take necessary precautions, and to check the burning restrictions map at .

The section of Trunk 8 near Maitland Bridge, Annapolis Co., that has been closed since last week is now open but drivers are advised to be aware of emergency vehicles still along the highway.

The province will continue to provide updates until the remaining wildfires that are being patrolled are out. Updates can be found at .