1. Moment of Silence.
2. Additions to the Agenda.
3. Approval of the Agenda.
4. Declarations of Conflict of Interest.
5. Approval of minutes of the pdf Regular Meeting held May 27, 2019 (135 KB) .
6. Reports:
- Report of Warden
- Report of Councillors
Report from Committee of the Whole Council
(157 KB)
(Councillor El-Jakl)
Report from Planning Advisory Committee
(23 KB)
(Chair Jody Crook)
CAO Report.
(297 KB)
7. New or Other Business: - Second Reading - Amendments to By-law 21 “Municipal Sewers”. (7:30 pm)
- Second Reading -
Amendments to By-law 27 “Wastewater Mgt. District”
(258 KB)
. (7:30 pm)
- Second Reading -
Adoption of a By-law Re: Barrington Lake Road
(520 KB)
. (7:30 pm)
- Consideration of amendments to
Personnel Policy “Employee Definitions
(112 KB)
- Consideration of Repealing
Policy 64 “Economic Development Policy”
(103 KB)
8. Correspondence: -
9. Agenda Items for Future Meetings.
10. In-Camera Session Re: Acquisition of Municipal Property. (MGA Section 22(2)(a).
11. Adjournment.
Chris Frotten, CAO