Month Flat Week Day
Date: Monday, March 22, 2021 7:00 pm
Categories: Council Meetings

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Multi-Purpose Room
Administrative Centre

March 22, 2021
7:00 p.m.

1. Moment of Silence.

2. Additions to the Agenda.

3. Approval of the Agenda.

4. Declarations of Conflict of Interest.

5. Presentation by Chuck Smith Re: Black Loyalist Heritage Centre and Geographical Name Change request of Cape Negro. (7:00 p.m.)

6. Consideration of Demolition Order Re: Derelict Vessel owned by Dwayne Stewart. (7:30 p.m.)

7. pdf Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 22, 2021. (2.26 MB)

8. Matters Arising from Minutes:

9. Reports:
           - Report of Warden
           - Report of Councillors
           - pdf Report from Planning Advisory Committee (101 KB)  (Chair Jody Crook)
           - pdf Report from Committee of the Whole Council (76 KB) (Councillor Hatfield)
           - pdf Staff Report (297 KB) .

10. New or Other Business:
            - pdf Consideration of Adoption of Proposed Naloxone Policy. (6.25 MB)

11. Correspondence: - pdf Letter from NS Health/Community Health Boards Re: Affordable Housing. (203 KB)
                                  pdf - Response Re: Ambulance Shortage. (85 KB)

12. Agenda Items for Future Meetings.

13. In-Camera Session (MGA Section 22(2)(e))

14. Adjournment.


                                                                                                                                    Chris Frotten, CAO