Month Flat Week Day
Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Duration: 3 Hours

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Conference Room, Administrative Centre
Tuesday October 17, 2023
7:00 p.m.

(Councillor El-Jakl)


1. Approval of Agenda.

2.  pdf Approval of minutes of the last meeting held October 10, 2023. (115 KB)

3. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings: -

4. pdf Housing Presentation (2.42 MB) – Adrian Mason, Dept. of Mun. Affairs and Housing. (7:00 – 7:15 p.m.)
                                                                                                         Questions (7:15 – 7:30 p.m.)

5.  pdf Barrington Cemetery Association Grant Request. (4.53 MB)

6.  pdf Committee and Board Appointments for 2023-2024. (27 KB)

7.  pdf Set Meeting Dates for December, 2023. (38 KB)

8.  NSFM Update.

9. In-Camera Session Re: Contract Negotiations - MGA Section 22(2)(e) and Possible Sale of Municipal Property - MGA Section 22(2)(a)

10. Report on In-Camera Session.

11. Agenda Items for Future Meetings.

12. Adjournment.