Job Opportunity - Executive Assistant

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Executive Assistant 


Resumes are invited for the position of Executive Assistant.  This position is responsible for a wide variety of administrative duties in support of the Chief Administrative Officer, Municipal Clerk and Manager of Finance.  The successful applicant will work directly under the supervision of the Municipal Clerk. Applicants are asked to forward a resume outlining education, experience and qualifications. A Job Description may be obtained by contacting the Municipal Office pdf or clicking here (101 KB)

Resumes must be received by the undersigned not later than 2:00 p.m., Thursday, August 16, 2018. 

Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 

July 20, 2018                                                                         

Ken Smith, Barrington, N.S.                                                                     

Interim Chief Administrative Officer

P.O. Box 100,


B0W 1E0

(902) 637-2015 


  pdf Executive Assistance Job Description  (101 KB)