Barrington/Port La Tour Fire Hall Update

Barrington/Port La Tour Fire Hall
FEBRUARY 5, 2016

Construction of the new Barrington/Port La Tour fire hall on the Villagedale Road is going very well and a bit ahead of schedule.
The outside of the building is finished with all the windows and doors installed, the siding is complete and the roof is finished.
Concrete still has to be put in place for the pads in front of the doors, anchor for the tower for the aerials and a pad for the oil storage tank.

Inside of the building the electrical wires and boxes are all in place and the plumbing has been roughed in. The smaller section of the building containing the offices, meeting room, storage and washrooms have all of the gyproc hung and ready to have the seams filled. The truck bays have all of the gyproc on the ceiling and ready to be seam filled and the metal siding on the inside walls of the truck bays is ready to be installed.

Outside there is a small pond that will have a dry hydrant for filling their trucks and also be used during a fire. The septic tank is in the ground and the field bed ready to be finished. The well will probably be drilled as the bedrock is close to the surface in that area. The rest of the ground work will be completed after the concrete pads are in place. Paving in front of the hall will be finished after that.

All in all the fire hall is looking good.

David Kendrick
Fire Services Coordinator

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