Tenders are invited for the sale of the following Municipal properties:
Assessment Account No. - 04520068 Description - No. 330 Highway, Centreville
Assessment Account No. - 01020803 Description - South Side Road, Lr. Clarks Harbour
Assessment Account No. - 01020811 Description - South Side Road, Lr. Clarks Harbour
Assessment Account No. - 01604864 Description - Stoney Island Road, Clam Point
Assessment Account No. - 03516261 Description - South Side Road, Lr. Clarks Harbour
A property description and Tender Submission Form may be obtained from the Municipal Office.
Sealed tenders will be received at the Municipal Office in Barrington, N.S., until 2:00 p.m., March 17, 2017. Tenders must be clearly marked “TENDER FOR PURCHASE OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY”. Tenders will not be accepted verbally, by telephone, email, or by fax.
Tenders will be opened publicly by Municipal Staff, at 2:15 p.m., on March 17, 2017, in the Conference Room, in the Administrative Centre, at 2447 Highway #3, Barrington, N.S.
All offers will be considered.
All properties will be sold as is/where is, without warranty.
The successful purchaser will be responsible for all costs relating to the transfer of title, including the cost of migration, if necessary. The Municipality will pay the cost of preparation of a deed without covenants.
Purchasers will be required to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
The Municipality of Barrington reserves the right to reject any or all tenders, not necessarily accept the high tender, to accept any tender which it may consider to be in its best interest, or to waive formality, informality, or technicality in any tender.
February 24, 2017
Rob Frost
Chief Administrative Officer
Barrington, NS
P.O. Box 100, Barrington, NS
PH: 902-637-2015