Welcome to the Strategic Plan for the Municipality of the District of Barrington. This document is the dynamic blueprint for the growth of our Municipality for the next three years. This plan has been developed through intensive deliberations with Council and staff, feedback from open public meetings on budgeting and branding, and discussions with many stakeholders.
The Municipality of the District of Barrington is in a period of growth and development, as shown by sales of commercial property, commercial capital investment by local business, and the increase in seafood exports. Council and staff of the Municipality know that the time is right to develop a strategy that will help continue this positive growth and development.
This Strategic Plan will be the overarching guide as the Municipality moves forward over the next three years. Major projects and plans should all relate back to the Strategic Plan, and yearly budgets will also be influenced by this plan.
Council and Staff of the Municipality look forward to working with citizens and all other stakeholders to help the Municipality of the District of Barrington continue on the path of positive growth.
Download MODB Strategic Plan 2018 Here
For further information please contact:
Rob Frost
Chief Administrative Officer
(902) 637-2015