RCMP/CAO Meet & Greet

Municipality of Barrington to host RCMP & CAO Meet and Greet

RCMP logo 1In celebration of Police week (May 15-21), the Municipality of Barrington and the Barrington RCMP are teaming up for an RCMP Meet and Greet on Thursday, May 19th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Visitor Information Centre in Barrington. This will also be an opportunity to meet the Municipality’s new Chief Administrative Officer, Rob Frost, who joined the Municipality in March. The Visitor Information Centre is located at 2517 Highway 3, Barrington, NS.

Members of the community are invited to attend and get to know the men and women who help keep our communities safe and welcome them and their families into our community. Sergeant Deluco of the Barrington RCMP Detachment is welcoming the opportunity for her and her staff to meet more of the community; “While we police your community, we are also citizens of your community, we live here and our children attend school here. We are equally proud of your community and our interests are to make it a safe and secure community, while participating in and enjoying all of what your community offers.” she stated.
Warden Eddie Nickerson sees this as an opportunity for the general public to get to know and welcome new RCMP officers to the Municipality, as well as the newly appointed CAO, Rob Frost. Warden Nickerson says, “We look forward to seeing as many citizens as possible come out to meet our great RCMP, and our newly appointed CAO.”

Also invited to be in attendance will be many of the Municipal & RCMP's emergency response partners who keep our communities and highways safe, as well as the local Police Advisory Board.

Refreshments and light snacks will be served.

MOB Crest

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