February 5, 2020
BARRINGTON, NS, - To participate in celebrating Municipal Awareness Week, the Municipality of Barrington launched a Council for a Day contest in November 2019. This
contest was open to all Grade 5 students enrolled in a school in the Municipality and would see five winners chosen based on their ideas for making Barrington an even better
place to live.
In total, 28 entries were submitted and were judged based on creativity, originality and overall appeal. A number of innovative ideas were submitted; including using solar panels
on municipal buildings, developing a composting program and tackling climate change. Some fun ideas such as hosting a donut fair, constructing a Walmart and opening a
petting zoo were also suggested.
At the Regular Council meeting on January 27, 2020, the winners were announced. They are:
These students will be named Warden and Councillors of Barrington for a day. They will also tour the Municipal Administrative Centre, enjoy supper with Council, participate in a
mock council meeting, have a television interview with Eastlink and each get free passes to the arena/swimming pool.
Municipal Awareness Week was Nov. 17th-23rd, 2019. The week promotes the importance of municipal government in people's daily lives, and encourages participation
in council meetings, public hearings and committees. It also celebrates the dedicated mayors, wardens, councillors and staff who are essential to the effective governance of
The Municipality of Barrington: Incorporated in 1879, The Municipality of Barrington is located on the south shore of Nova Scotia and is home to approximately 6,640 residents.
The Municipality of Barrington is the Lobster Capital of Canada - landing 40% of all lobsters caught in Canada, and over 20% of all lobsters caught in North America.