TAKE NOTICE that Council of the Municipality of the District of Barrington, on April 26, 2021, approved the following:
1. Amendments to the Land Use By-law to add the definition of a lobster storage facility and to identify approved zones and setbacks for these facilities.
2. The Application received from Duramax Holdings Inc. to establish a lounge in the Commercial General (CG) Zone, on their property located at 3412 Highway 3, in Barrington Passage, AAN 10260841, by Development Agreement, as per the Land Use By-law.
Documentation and the Development Agreement can be inspected by any interested person between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, exclusive of holidays, at the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer.
Further take notice that an appeal of the above decisions must be filed with the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board, Box 1692, Unit “M”, Halifax, N.S., B3J 3S3, (1-855-422-4448) not later than fourteen (14) days from the date of this publication, since after that date, if there are no appeals, amendments to the Land Use By-law will become effective and the Development Agreement will be signed.