Election 2016
Municipality of the District of Barrington – Election 2016
Number of Votes Result
District 1
George El-Jakl N/A Acclaimed
District 2
Murray Atkinson 270 Elected
Cecil Swimm 161
District 3
Joel Goreham 73
Shaun Hatfield 388 Elected
District 4
Eddie Nickerson 364 Elected
Cecil O'Donnell 138
District 5
Jody Crook 262 Elected
Tricia Newell 75
The Municipality of the District of Barrington will hold an Election on October 15, 2016 for Municipal Councillor, and School Board Member, as it applies in each district.
In order to vote in a municipal election in Nova Scotia you must meet the following requirements:
have turned 18 years of age on or before first advance polling day in the election (October 6th 2016).
be a Canadian citizen
have lived in Nova Scotia since April 6th 2016 or earlier
have lived in the municipality in which you intend to vote on since the first advance polling day (October 6th 2016)
If you meet all of these requirements, you can vote. University and college students must decide whether they consider their family home, or the place they live for school their ordinary residence, and vote in that place. Students who have not lived in Nova Scotia prior to April 6th 2016 are ineligible to vote.
Advance Polls
Advance Polls being held on October 8th and 11th are open to all electors, excluding those voting by Proxy.
October 8 - 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
October 11 - 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location - Court Room in the Municipal Administration Building 2447 Highway 3, Barrington
District 1
George El Jakl - Acclaimed
District 2 Candidates
Murray Atkinson
Cecil Swimm
District 3 Candidates
Joel Goreham
Shaun Hatfield
District 4 Candidates
Eddie Nickerson
Cecil O'Donnell
District 5 Candidates
Jody Crook
Tricia Newell
Tri County Regional School Board
Andrea Huskilson-Townsend - Acclaimed
District Polling Stations
2A Barrington Ground Search & Rescue - 3329 Highway 3, Barrington Passage
Div 2 A is comprised of the following communities; Bear Point, Atwoods Brook, Doctor’s Cove, Barrington Passage. {All voters who reside from Bear Point to the Sherose Island turn off,(but not including) the Sherose Island.}
2B Municipality of Barrington - Courthouse -2447, Hwy 3, Barrington
Div B is comprised of the following communities: Barrington Passage, starting at and including Sherose Island and all residences in an easterly direction of Sherose Island, Brass Hill, Barrington West and Oak Park, ( beginning at the intersection of Hwy 103 and Oak Park Rd. and ending at civic # 159 Oak Park Rd.
2C Bayside Home (Mobile) - 96 Bayside Drive, Brass Hill
3A Island & Barrington Passage Fire Hall - 1081 Hwy 330, Centreville, CSI
Div 3 A is comprised of the following communities; Northeast Point and Centerville
3B Newelton Communtiy Hall - 1822 Hwy330, Newellton
Div3 B is comprised of the following communities: Newellton and West Head.
4A Stoney Island Community Hall - 1277 Stoney Island
Div4 A is comprised of the following communities: Clam Point, Stoney Island.
4B Evergreen Cemetery Hall - Hawk Point Rd.
Div4 B is comprised of the following communities: South Side, Lower Clarks Harbour and The Hawk
5A Forest Ridge Academy
Div 5A is comprised of the following communities; Barrington (starting at civic # 160 Oak Park Rd and ending at the intersection of Oak Park Rd and Riverhear Rd), Riverhead, Oak Park, Coffinscroft and Villagedale.
5B Port LaTour Baptist Church - 3201 Port LaTour Road, Port La Tour
Div 5B is comprised of the following communities: Port LaTour, Upper Port LaTour, Reynoldscroft, Smithville, Baccaro, East and West Baccaro.
5C Port Clyde Fire Hall - 285 Port La Tour Road, Port Clyde
Div 5C is comprised of the following communities; Goose Lake, Clyde River, Lower and Upper Clyde River, Port Clyde, Thomasville, Cape Negro and Blanche.
Polls are open on "Ordinary Poll" Day from 8am - 7pm
Sat, October 8 Advance MOB Courthouse 12am - 8 pm
Tues October 11 Advance Poll - MOB Courthouse 12am - 8pm