Municipality of The District of Barrington
P.O. Box 100
Barrington, Nova Scotia B0W 1E0
Warden Eddie Nickerson 635-1682 cell
Barrington, N.S., July 29, 2015—At its regular Council meeting Monday night Barrington Municipal Council approved its budget for the 2015/2016 fiscal year, including all tax rates and fees for Municipal services.
The Residential and Resource Tax Rates remain unchanged at $ 1.00 per $ 100.00 of assessment.
The Commercial Tax Rate also remains unchanged at $ 2.55 per $ 100.00 of assessment.
Area Fire Rates were reduced in 3 of the 4 Districts as follows;
Woods Harbour Shag Harbour from $ 0.186 to $ 0.180
Island/Barrington Passage from $ 0.094 to $ 0.085
Barrington/Port Latour from $ 0.153 to $ 0.131
While the Port Clyde Area Rate increased from $ 0.153 to $ 0.165
Sewer Service Charges in both Barrington and Woods Harbour will increase by $ 10.00 to $ 310.00 per sewer unit.
All other fees for Municipal services will be unchanged with the exception of the prime time Arena Ice Rental Fee which will increase by $ 5.00 to $ 120.00/hour.
Additional investments will be made in tourism projects at the Cape Sable Causeway this summer. In cooperation with ACOA the Municipality will fund the construction of a tourist rest stop at the mainland end of the Causeway and a floating dock, providing access to the water at the North East Point end of the Causeway.
In addition the Municipality is erecting a Wind Turbine Generator near the Landfill Site on the Goose Lake Road which will contribute revenues to reduce municipal taxes over the next 20 years.