This morning, all five municipal units in Shelburne County, involving the Mayors/Wardens, senior staff, Emergency Measures Operations (EMO) personnel and a staff representative from EMO NS, met again via teleconference to
discuss the implementation of additional measures to reduce the spread of the virus all while continuing to provide essential services.
Here is an update on the municipal measures being implemented as of 4:30 p.m. today, March 17, 2020:
➡️ All municipal offices and facilities will be closed until April 6th, 2020. This closure will be reassessed as necessary.
➡️ All non-essential services, such as by-law enforcement, shall be reduced, in favor of more critical municipal services.
➡️ All recreation related activities are suspended until further notice.
➡️ All municipal related travel is suspended until further notice.
➡️ Interest charges for the month of March are being waived.
➡️ The Regular Council meeting of March 23rd is cancelled.
The Municipality will continue to operate and provide the essential services to its residents. Here is what is continuing:
➡️ The main phone line of 902-637-2015 will remain open and will be answered by Staff.
➡️ Staff will have remote access to the phone system, their e-mails and the municipal server.
➡️ Property Services will continue to maintain wastewater equipment and perform testing, clean garbage cans and remove snow.
➡️ There will be no change in garbage collection.
➡️ The landfill will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
➡️ Taxes can continue to be paid online through your banking institution by searching for “Barrington” as a payee, through our website at or by phone through your financial institution.
➡️ Urgent building inspections will be prioritized and completed during the closure.
➡️ Fire Services and EMO will continue as normal.
Residents are encouraged to visit to stay up-to-date on the provincial response.
Thank you for helping with the community effort to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.