Barrington, NS –
The Council of the Municipality of the District of Barrington approved the 2018-2019 municipal budget during a meeting of Council held on April 23, 2017.
The budget process this year had council meet on numerous occasions beginning in early January, and hold a consultation meeting with the public.
Council received all the information from staff and citizens and carefully deliberated on the budget before setting rates and developing future capital project plans.
Council is excited to be moving forward on a number of projects that will see much needed improvements to capital assets.The largest projects planned for this fiscal year are large maintenance projects at the Sandy Wickens Memorial Arena; a renewal project at the Brass Hill Sewer Treatment Plant; development of plans for ballfield upgrades, beach projects, and business park development; and the design and planning for the replacement of the recreation building.
The residential tax rate will remain steady at $1.01/ $100 of assessment, and the commercial rate will also stay the same at $2.56/ $100 of assessment. The total expenditures for the Municipality of the District of Barrington for the 2018-2019 fiscal year are budgeted at just under $8.8 million dollars. This includes approximately $2 million for policing and other protective services, $1.3 million for education, and $1.3 million in financing of projects.
Highlights of the approved budget include:
Upgrades for the Sandy Wickens Arena, future development of the Sherose Island Rec Complex, completion of sidewalk by the CSI Causeway, funding for ballfield upgrades, and a renewal project at the Brass Hill Sewer Treatment Plant.
Warden Eddie Nickerson 902 635-1682
Rob Frost CAO,
Municipality of the District of Barrington