Municipality of the District of Barrington
P.O. Box 100
Barrington, N.S.
B0W 1E0
Warden Eddie Nickerson
Telephone: 635-1682 cell
February 25, 2016
The Municipality of the District of Barrington is pleased to announce the hiring of their Chief Administrative Officer, Rob Frost.
Frost comes to the Municipality from the Nova Scotia Department of Municipal Affairs where he was one of three provincial Municipal Advisors, providing support and guidance to municipalities across the province. Prior to his position with the Province Frost was the Chief Administrative Officer with the Town of Hantsport.
“I am excited to be coming to Barrington. I have heard great things about the staff, council and the community as a whole. Barrington has a great base for growth, and I am pleased to work with council to help explore future opportunities.” says Frost.
The Prince Edward Island native, who along with his municipal government experience, has also worked in economic development with the Hants Regional Development Authority. Aside from his work experience Rob has been an active volunteer in his community leading high profile fundraising initiatives, chairing provincial conferences, and coaching.
Warden Nickerson states, “We are looking forward to having Rob join the Municipality, and assume the role of CAO. His experience will be crucial as we work towards implementing the CAO system.”
Mr. Frost will be starting with the Municipality on March 14th.