Notice - Repeal of By-Law No. 11


Second Reading

Repeal of By‐law No. 11 “Animals” & Adoption of By‐law No. 11 “Animal Control By‐law”

Barrington Municipal Council is considering repealing By‐law No. 11 “Animals” and replacing it with By‐law No. 11 “Animal Control By‐law”.

The newly drafted by‐law provides more detail on what is required when an animal is impounded, how long it will be held, etc.By‐law No. 11 “Animals” to be repealed and the redrafted By‐law No. 11“Animal Control By‐law” may be inspected at the Municipal Office, located at 2447, Highway 3, Barrington, NS, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30p.m., Monday to Friday.

Any representation by interested persons concerning these by‐laws may be made at the January 25, 2021, Council Meeting, which will be held in the Council Chambers, in the Administrative Centre, Barrington, NS.

This matter will be discussed at 7:30 p.m.