Barrington Municipal Council is considering amendments to Schedule “B” of By-law No. 25 Tax Exemption By-law to provide tax exemptions to properties of the Barrington Leisure Park Association, located in Barrington Passage, identified as AAN 10540402 and AAN 04969529.
Proposed amendments may be inspected at the Municipal Office located at 2447 Highway No. 3, Barrington, NS, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday or a copy can be provided to you by contacting the Municipal Office.
Any representation by interested persons concerning the passing of these amendments may be made at the February 28, 2022, Council Meeting, which will be held in the Council Chambers, in the Administrative Centre, Barrington, NS. This matter will be discussed at 7:15 p.m. Due to gathering restrictions, please contact the Municipal Office should you wish to appear in person.