November 25, 2019
7:00 p.m.
1. Moment of Silence.
2. Additions to the Agenda.
3. Approval of the Agenda.
4. Declarations of Conflict of Interest.
5. Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting held pdf October 28, 2019. (37 KB)
6. Reports:
- Report of Warden
- Report of Councillors
Report from Committee of the Whole Council.
(39 KB)
(Councillor Hatfield)
Staff Report
(271 KB)
7. New or Other Business: -
Consideration of Adoption of Personnel Policy - Cell Phone Policy.
(78 KB)
Consideration of Amendments to Procurement Policy.
(198 KB)
- Ratify decision to accept offer for land at Oak Park.
First Reading By-law No. 25 “Tax Exemption” Re: Clyde Area Community Centre Association.
(28 KB)
8. Correspondence:
9. Agenda Items for Future Meetings.
10. In Camera Session Re: Sale of Municipal Property. MGA Section 22(2)(a)
11. Adjournment.
Chris Frotten, CAO