Notice: Noise By-Law Exemption for Dexter Construction Co. Ltd.

The Barrington Municipal Council at their meeting held October 11, 2016 granted Dexter Construction Co. Ltd. an exemption from the Noise By-law in order to extend the existing breakwater and groyne located at Stoney Island.

Dexter Construction Co. Ltd. has been contracted by Public Works and Government Services Canada to carry out this work. To perform this work Dexter Construction must occasionally work with the low tide cycles which will involve operations normally restricted by the Noise By-law. The company anticipates commencing work on November 1, 2016 with an anticipated completion date of May 30, 2017.

Dexter Construction Co. Ltd has assured us that they will be taking all reasonable measures to keep noise levels to a minimum when performing night operations.

Your patience and understanding in this matter would be appreciated.