Water Issues in Barrington Municipality
As more days pass without any amount of rain the Municipality of the District of Barrington has added additional resources and options for those that are affected by a lack of water.
If your well is dry please let the Municipal office know so that we can get a very clear picture of how many are affected by this exceptionally dry summer, and what further actions may need to be taken.
(902) 637-2015
The following assistance is now in place:
Washing Machines
The Municipality is in the process of setting up four washing machines on drilled well water sources. Three will be located at the Ground Search and Rescue Building, and a fourth will be located at the arena. These will be available for use starting Tuesday, September 6 in the evenings from 5-9pm, to start. More details to follow.
Water Delivery
Fire Departments have offered assistance to fill large containers at people’s homes. This water is not treated, and could only be used for flushing toilets or possibly washing clothes. Home owner is responsible for obtaining large tanks/ fish boxes. If you are interested in having water delivered to a large container please contact the Municipal Office (902 637-2015).
Fish Boxes
A number of companies have offered the temporary use of fish boxes for placing at a person’s home to have filled by fire departments. Please contact the Municipal Office if you wish to be added to the list to receive an available fish box. Those families completely out of water will be given priority.
Showers at Arena
The showers are available at the Arena for public use when the arena is open.
Drinking Water
The Municipality has a supply of drinking water at the Ground Search and Rescue Building
(3329 Hwy 3) to be given to residents. Pick up times will be 5-7pm.
Water Fill Stations
There are taps by the RV Dumping Station at the Sherose Island Rec Complex where residents can fill buckets. This water is NOT TREATED, and should only be used for flushing toilets/ washing clothes.
There are also hoses or water fill stations available outside at Island Barrington Fire Department, Barrington/ Port Latour Fire Department, and Port Clyde Fire Department.
Compiling list of those with Issues
Please continue to let us know what your situation is like, and if there are other ways the Municipality or someone else may be able to help. This is a very caring community and there are those that have offered to help. Please also remember to check on your neighbours, especially those living alone or most vulnerable.
We know that nothing will solve this issue like steady rain, but it is our hope that these fixes will help to some degree.
Barrington Municipal Council
For further info contact:
Rob Frost
Chief Administrative Officer
Municipality of the District of Barrington
902 637-2015
September 1, 2016