In accordance with Section 206 (1) of the Municipal Government Act, the Council of the Municipality of the District of Barrington intends to hold a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Municipal Land Use By-law relating to agricultural uses. Proposed amendments will clarify and strengthen current regulations relating to agricultural uses such as differentiating between agriculture activity which is accessory to a main residential use versus primary use of land and standards for various types of agricultural activities and structures (barns, pastures, manure storage areas, etc.).
Proposed amendments may be viewed by interested persons between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, at the Municipal Office, in the Administrative Centre, Civic No. 2447, Highway 3, Barrington, NS.
Any representation by interested persons concerning these matters may be made at the Public Hearing of Council to be held in the Council Chambers, in the Administrative Centre, in Barrington, on Monday April 25, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.