Proposed Changes to the Liquor Control Act

MOB Crest BW

Municipality of The District of Barrington
P.O. Box 100
Barrington, N.S.
B0W 1E0


A request from the Alcohol, Gaming, Fuel and Tobacco Division of Service Nova Scotia is considering two changes to the Liquor Control Act. These changes will impact the Municipality of Barrington, and they are requesting feedback and comments in regards to these proposed changes.

The two changes proposed are as follows:

1) Alcohol, Gaming, Fuel and Tobacco (AGFT) and the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation are proposing making amendments to the Liquor Control Act that would make the entire province wet and remove the requirement for plebiscites. It is recommended that the legislative amendments not be proclaimed for one year to allow municipalities to introduce zoning or by-laws to restrict any areas that are currently dry that they would like to remain dry.
2) Alcohol, Gaming, Fuel and Tobacco (AGFT) is proposing a minor amendment to the Liquor Licensing Regulations which would allow an Eating Establishment to provide up to two (2) drinks to a customer without the requirement to order food. If a customer would like in excess of two (2) drinks then they would have to order a meal, as is the case under the present regulations.

The Municipality of the District of Barrington has been requested to consider these changes and provide feedback to the Alcohol, Gaming, Fuel and Tobacco Division of Service Nova Scotia.

Feedback on these two proposed changes may be sent to:

Service Nova Scotia
Alcohol, Gaming, Fuel and Tobacco Division
Reference: Liquor in Eating Establishments
Reference: Removing Dry Areas and Plebiscites
Torrington Place, 2nd Floor
780 Windmill Road
PO Box 545
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
B2Y 3Y8

  pdf  Current Municipal Wet and Dry Designated Areas (641 KB)

  pdf Consultation Document - Liquor in Eating Establishments (86 KB)

  pdf Consulation Document - Removing Dry Areas & Pebliscites  (94 KB)