News Release - Civic Addressing By-Law


Civic Addressing By-law 

Barrington Municipal Council recently approved a new Civic Addressing By-law. 

A Civic Address is the identification number used by emergency responders to locate your property when a 911 call is placed.This By-law requires all property owners within the Municipality to post civic numbers on their properties to enable emergency vehicle driver to locate them quickly. 

The By-law also outlines requirements for posting private road names.A copy of this By-law may be obtained from the Municipal Office or viewed here.

Information on where you can purchase signs and posts may be obtained from the Municipal Office.

Questions regarding the By-law may be directed to the Civic Addressing Co-ordiantor, David Andrews, at (902)637-2421.

Do you have a visible civic number ?If not, get one today.THIS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE !!