Council for a Day Contest

Council for a Day Contest

It is well known that youth activities are proven to be one of the most popular and effective Awareness Week activities. Therefore, we would like to launch a Council for a Day contest. Here is how it will work:


• The contest will be open to all Grade 5 students attending a school in Barrington (ERMES, Oceanview, CHES and FRA).

• Five (5) winners will be chosen based on their ideas for making the Municipaliy of Barrington an even better place to live. The winners will be named Warden and Councillors of Barrington for the day.

• Entries will be required to answer the follow question: What are your ideas to make YOUR Barrington Municipality an even better place to live?

• Entries will also include a completed contest entry form.

• The format will be open. Students could submit a video, letter, song, etc.

• Participants will be required to submit entries to the Municipality by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 15, 2020.

• Entries can be emailed to  

• The winners will be notified by the Municipality by Friday, January 24, 2020 and will be announced at the Regular Council Meeting on January 27, 2020.

Entries will be judged on the following criteria on creativity, originality and overall appeal.


The winners would spend time with the Warden and Council on February 24, 2020.


All five (5) winners will:

• Tour the Municipal Administrative Centre.

• Enjoy supper with the Warden and Councillors.

• Participate in a mock council meeting.

• Get a television interview with Eastlink.

• Win passes to the arena/swimming pool.

pdf Download an Info Sheet here (165 KB)