Are you looking to make a difference in your Community? Why not consider serving as a volunteer member of the Accessibility Advisory Committee?
The purpose of the AAC is to provide advice to Council on identifying, preventing, and eliminating barriers to people with disabilities in municipal programs, services, initiatives, and facilities. The Committee plays an important role in helping the Municipality of the District of Barrington become an accessible community and meet its obligations under the Nova Scotia Accessibility Act.At least one-half of the members of the advisory committee must have a disability or represent an organization that represents people with disabilities. The other half of the committee will be members of Council.
Disability includes a physical, mental, intellectual, learning, or sensory impairment including an episodic disability - that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders an individual’s full and effective participation in society.
pdf Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (114 KB)
pdf Accessibility Advisory Committee Application Form (25 KB)
For a full description of the Terms of Reference, please contact the Municipal Office or visit our website.
Interested candidates should send in their application to no later than February 16, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.