Sun. 12 Dec, 2021

There are no events on this day.

Mon. 13 Dec, 2021

Council Meeting

Mon. 13 Dec, 2021 7:00 pm

Barrington A01 logo RGB

Multi-purpose Room
Administrative Centre
December 13, 2021
7:00 p.m.


1. Moment of Silence.

2. Additions to the Agenda.

3. Approval of the Agenda.

4. Declarations of Conflict of Interest.

5.  pdf Approval of minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held November 22, 2021. (259 KB)

6. Matters Arising from Minutes:

7. Reports:
           - Report of Warden
           - Report of Councillors
           -  pdf Report on WCRL Board Minutes, September 23, 2021. (211 KB) (Councillor Hatfield)
           -  pdf Report from Committee of the Whole Council. (88 KB)
           - pdf Staff Report (218 KB)

8. New or Other Business:

9. Correspondence: -  pdf Municipal and Village Code of Conduct Regulations. (728 KB)
                                 -  pdf Renegotiation of Memorandum of Understanding with Municipalities (96 KB)

10. Agenda Items for Future Meetings.

11. Adjournment.


                                                                                                                   Chris Frotten, CAO

Tue. 14 Dec, 2021

Special Committee of the Whole Council Meeting

Tue. 14 Dec, 2021 7:00 pm

Barrington A01 logo RGB


Multi-Purpose Room, Administrative Centre
Tuesday December 14, 2021
7:00 p.m.


1. Additions to the Agenda.

2. Approval of the Agenda.

3. Medical Clinic Course of Action:
                                             - how do we want to manage the project – internally vs. project manager
                                             - how do we want to choose a design
                                             - how do we want to go about choosing a location

4. Adjournment.


Wed. 15 Dec, 2021

There are no events on this day.

Thu. 16 Dec, 2021

There are no events on this day.

Fri. 17 Dec, 2021

There are no events on this day.

Sat. 18 Dec, 2021

There are no events on this day.