1. Additions to the Agenda.
2. Approval of Agenda.
3. Approval of minutes of the Committee of the Whole Council Meeting held pdf May 13, 2019 (112 KB) .
4. Presentation Re: Alternate Service Delivery Re: Clam Flat Testing. (7:00 - 7:30 p.m.)
5. Review of Municipal Properties.
6. Proposed By-law Re: pdf Maintenance and Improvements to Barrington Lake Road (376 KB) .
7. pdf Municipal Flag Policy (23 KB) .
8. Revised Draft pdf NSFM Letter Re: Resolutions Process (207 KB) .
9. Discussion Re: Possible Establishment of a Recreation Commission or Rec. Advisory Committee.
10. Future Area Fire Rates and Fire Truck Purchases.
11. Adjournment.
1. Additions to Agenda.
2. Approval of Agenda.
3. Approval of minutes of last meeting held pdf February 28, 2019 (58 KB) .
4. pdf Planner's Report Re: Land Use/Rezoning Application - Ken Anthony (1.37 MB) .
5. Planner’s Report Re: MPS/LUB amendments Re: pdf Legalization of Cannabis (302 KB) .
6. Adjournment.