1. Additions to the Agenda.
2. Approval of Agenda.
3. Approval of minutes of the Special Committee of the Whole Council - Budget Meetings held pdf April 11th (51 KB) , pdf April 23rd (62 KB) and pdf April 29th (70 KB) and the Regular Committee of the Whole Council Meeting held pdf April 15, 2019 (63 KB) .
4. pdf Presentation by Lana Townsend Re: Policy 55 - “Flag Policy” (398 KB) . ( 7:00 - 7:15 p.m.)
5. Funding Request: - pdf Josie Hatfield Re: SHAD Program (171 KB) .
- pdf Sydnie Goreham Re: Me to We Program (497 KB) .
6. pdf Audit Committee Appointments (37 KB) .
7. pdf 2019 Nova Scotia Lumberjack Championship (169 KB) .
8. pdf Draft letter to NSFM Re: Resolutions (418 KB) .
10. pdf Lyme Disease Awareness Month - May, 2019 - For Information (101 KB) .
11. Policies: - pdf Draft Amendments to Policy 42 “Municipal Grants Policy” (694 KB) .
- pdf Draft Amendments to Policy 41 “Low Income Property Tax Exemption Policy” (289 KB) .
- pdf Draft Amendments to Personnel Policy "Hiring and Probation" (89 KB) .
- pdf Repeal Policy No. 39 "Hiring Policy" (130 KB) .
- Draft Amendments to Personnel Policy - “Performance Evaluation”.
12. pdf WCRL - Summer Reading Club (88 KB) .
13. pdf Quint Truck Purchase Request (2.75 MB) .
14. Adjournment.