Mon. 13 May, 2019

Committee of the Whole Council Meeting

Mon. 13 May, 2019 1:00 pm

Conference Room
May 13, 2019

7:00 p.m.


1. Additions to the Agenda.

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of minutes of the Special Committee of the Whole Council - Budget Meetings held pdf April 11th (51 KB) , pdf April 23rd (62 KB) and pdf April 29th (70 KB) and the Regular Committee of the Whole Council Meeting held pdf April 15, 2019 (63 KB) .

4. pdf Presentation by Lana Townsend Re: Policy 55 - “Flag Policy” (398 KB) . ( 7:00 - 7:15 p.m.)

5. Funding Request: - pdf Josie Hatfield Re: SHAD Program (171 KB) .

                                - pdf Sydnie Goreham Re: Me to We Program (497 KB) .

6. pdf Audit Committee Appointments (37 KB) .

7.  pdf 2019 Nova Scotia Lumberjack Championship (169 KB) .

8. pdf Draft letter to NSFM Re: Resolutions (418 KB) .

9. pdf Cape Light (39 KB) .

10.  pdf Lyme Disease Awareness Month - May, 2019 - For Information (101 KB) .

11. Policies: - pdf Draft Amendments to Policy 42 “Municipal Grants Policy” (694 KB) .

                   - pdf Draft Amendments to Policy 8 “Annual Remuneration and Benefits for Councillors and Non- Council Members” (745 KB) .

                   - pdf Draft Amendments to Policy 41 “Low Income Property Tax Exemption Policy” (289 KB) .

                   - pdf Draft Amendments to Personnel Policy "Hiring and Probation" (89 KB) .

                   - pdf Repeal Policy No. 39 "Hiring Policy" (130 KB) .

                   - Draft Amendments to Personnel Policy - “Performance Evaluation”.

12. pdf WCRL - Summer Reading Club (88 KB) .

13.  pdf Quint Truck Purchase Request (2.75 MB) .

14. Adjournment.

Tue. 21 May, 2019

Committee of the Whole Council Meeting

Tue. 21 May, 2019 1:00 pm

Conference Room

Tuesday May 21, 2019
7:00 p.m.

(Deputy Warden Crook)


1. Additions to the Agenda.

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of minutes of the Committee of the Whole Council Meeting held pdf May 13, 2019 (112 KB) .

4. Presentation Re: Alternate Service Delivery Re: Clam Flat Testing. (7:00 - 7:30 p.m.)

5. Review of Municipal Properties.

6. Proposed By-law Re: pdf Maintenance and Improvements to Barrington Lake Road (376 KB) .

7. pdf Municipal Flag Policy (23 KB) .

8. Revised Draft pdf NSFM Letter Re: Resolutions Process (207 KB) .

9. Discussion Re: Possible Establishment of a Recreation Commission or Rec. Advisory Committee.

10. Future Area Fire Rates and Fire Truck Purchases.

11. Adjournment.

Thu. 23 May, 2019

Planning Advisory Committee Meeting

Thu. 23 May, 2019 7:00 pm

Planning Advisory Committee

May 23, 2019
7:00 P.M.


1. Additions to Agenda.

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of minutes of last meeting held pdf February 28, 2019 (58 KB) .

4.  pdf Planner's Report Re: Land Use/Rezoning Application - Ken Anthony (1.37 MB) .

5. Planner’s Report Re: MPS/LUB amendments Re: pdf Legalization of Cannabis (302 KB) .

6. Adjournment.

Mon. 27 May, 2019

Council Meeting

Mon. 27 May, 2019 7:00 pm


May 27, 2019
7:00 p.m.


1. Moment of Silence.

2. Additions to the Agenda.

3. Approval of the Agenda.

4. Declarations of Conflict of Interest.

5. Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting held pdf April 23, 2019 (111 KB) .

6. Reports:
- Report of Warden
- Report of Councillors
- pdf Report from Committee of the Whole Council (105 KB) – (Deputy Warden Crook)

- pdf CAO Report (258 KB) .

7. New or Other Business:

- Required Motions for approval of the 2019-20 Municipal Budgets:
a. pdf 2019/20 Operating Budget (81 KB)
b. pdf 2019/20 Capital Budget (166 KB)
c. pdf Resolution Setting Tax Rates (15 KB) .
d. pdf Farm Acreage Tax (13 KB)
e. pdf Sewer Service Charges (15 KB)
f. pdf Fire Rates for 2019/20 (22 KB)
g. pdf Temporary Borrowing Resolution (65 KB) .
- First Reading - pdf Amendments to By-law No. 21 “Municipal Sewers” (149 KB) .
- First Reading - pdf Amendments to By-law No. 27 “Wastewater Mgt. District” (145 KB) .
- First Reading - pdf Adoption of a By-law Re: Barrington Lake Road (896 KB) .
- Consideration - pdf Amendments to Policy 42 - Municipal Grants (694 KB) .
- Consideration - pdf Amendments to Policy 8 Re: Remunerations (745 KB) .
- Consideration - pdf Amendments to Policy 41 - Low Income (289 KB) .
- Consideration - pdf Personnel Policy “Hiring and Probation” (89 KB) .
- Consideration - pdf Repeal Policy 39 Hiring Policy (130 KB)
- Cannabis Production and Processing Uses.

8. Correspondence: - pdf Lyme Disease Awareness Month (101 KB) . (For Information Purposes Only)

9. Closed Session Re: Sale of Municipal Property. (MGA Section 22(2)(a))

10. Agenda Items for Future Meetings.

11. Adjournment.


Chris Frotten, CAO