Accessibility Advisory Committee

Thu. 4 Apr, 2024 7:00 pm

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Conference Room
Administrative Centre

April 4, 2024
7:00 p.m. 

1. Approval of Agenda.

2. pdf Approval of minutes of the last meeting held October 19, 2023. (86 KB)

3. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings: - Discontinuation of Sidewalk in front of PetroCan Station.
                                                                     - AAC Student Representative.
                                                                     - Shelburne County Helping Tree.
                                                                     - Audible Alerts and Lights at Crosswalks in Barrington Passage.
                                                                     - Sign Language Services.

4. Access Awareness Week Committee – May 26th – June 1, 2024.

5. 2022-2025 Accessibility Plan - Items to be addressed next.
                                                   - Accommodations.
                                                   - Plan Update due April 2025.

6. Update on new projects.

7.  pdf Nova Scotia’s Disability Rate (1.01 MB)

8. Agenda Items for Future Meetings.

9. Next Meeting.

10. Adjournment.