Council Meeting

Tue. 24 Oct, 2023 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

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Multi-purpose Room
Administrative Centre

Tuesday October 24, 2023

7:00 p.m.

1. Moment of Silence.

2. Approval of the Agenda.

3. Declarations of Conflict of Interest.

4. Approval of minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held pdf September 26th (492 KB) and Special Council Meeting held pdf October 11, 2023. (71 KB)

5. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings:

6. Reports:
          - Report of Warden
          - Report of Councillors
          - pdf Report from Committee of the Whole Council. (123 KB) (Councillor El-Jakl)
          -  Staff Report.

7. New or Other Business:
          -  pdf Consideration of the Adoption of Draft “Asset Retirement Obligation Policy”. (155 KB)

8. Correspondence:
          -  pdf Letter from Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables Re: Sand Hills Provincial Park. (186 KB)
          - pdf Letter from Environment and Climate Change Canada Re: Fuel Charge Rate Exemption. (85 KB)

9. Agenda Items for Future Meetings.

10. Adjournment.



                                                                                    Chris Frotten, CAO