1. Additions to the Agenda.
2. Approval of Agenda.
4. pdf James Brannen - Request to Purchase Municipal Property - Centreville. (7:00 p.m.) (413 KB)
5. pdf Financial Report (198 KB) and pdf Municipal Indicators. (1.34 MB)
6. pdf Over Estimate Memo Re: Lighthouse Road and Fish Plant Road. (70 KB)
7. pdf Policies: - Policy No. 42 – Grants Policy. (239 KB)
8. pdf Western Regional Housing Authority Appointment. (144 KB)
9. Grant Request –
Woods Harbour Community Centre.
(467 KB)
Sebim Beach Property Owners Association
(1.16 MB)
10. pdf Tender – Library/CED Centre Roof Replacement. (138 KB)
11. Adjournment.