Committee of the Whole Council Meeting

Tue. 19 May, 2020 7:00 pm

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                                                                  COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE

                                                                           Tuesday May 19, 2020
                                                                                     7:00 p.m.

                                                                          (Deputy Warden Crook)

1. Additions to the Agenda.

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of minutes of the Committee of the Whole Council Meeting held May 11, 2020.

4. pdf Request from Dr. Yee for a Plexiglass Separator and Win 7 upgrades for two computers. (1.36 MB)

5. pdf Draft COVID-19 Property Tax Financing Program Policy (149 KB) .

6.  pdf Grants to Organizations. (103 KB) pdf (103 KB)

7. Stoney Island Beach Parking Area Project Alteration.

 8. Capital Budget - Deed Transfer Tax Funds and Expenditures.

9. Provincial Capital Assistance Program (PCAP) Application.

10. Solid Waste Deliveries - Queens Solid Waste Facility.

11. Adjournment.


 Audio Recording: Click here.


Tue. 19 May, 2020 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

for everyone; individual play; no teams