Committee of the Whole Council Meeting

Mon. 17 Jun, 2019 1:00 pm

Conference Room

June 17, 2019
7:00 p.m.

(Councillor El-Jakl)


1. Additions to the Agenda.

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of minutes of the Committee of the Whole Council pdf Meeting held June 10, 2019 (105 KB) .

4. pdf Review of Grants Applications Received (130 KB) .

5. Financial Management Training for Elected Officials.

6. Review of Municipal Bursary Applications.

7. pdf Fall Clean-up - Wood Collection (4.36 MB) .

8. pdf WREN CEO Quarterly Report January 1st to March 31, 2019 (368 KB) .

9. In-Camera Session Re: Acquisition of Municipal Property. (MGA Section 22(2)(a).

10. Adjournment.