1. Operating Budget Discussions.
2. Adjournment.
1. Moment of Silence.
2. Additions to the Agenda.
3. Approval of the Agenda.
4. Declarations of Conflict of Interest.
5. Approval of minutes of the pdf Regular Meeting held March 25, 2019 (75 KB) .
6. Reports:
- Report of Warden
- Report of Councillors
- pdf Report of Roseway Hospital Char. Foun. Meeting February 4, 2019 (232 KB) . (Warden Nickerson)
- pdf Report from Committee of the Whole Council (81 KB) – (Councillor Atkinson)
7. New or Other Business: - Required Motions for approval of the 2019-20 Municipal Budget.
a. Resolution Setting Tax Rates, Due Dates and Interest for 2019/20
b. Farm Acreage Tax
c. Fire Rates for 2019/20
d. Sewer Service Charges
e. Various Rates and Fees
f. Temporary Borrowing Resolution
- pdf Appointment to Audit Committee (441 KB)
- pdf 2018-2019 Annual Report - Building Department (490 KB)
- pdf 2018-19 Annual Subdivision Report (31 KB) .
- pdf Destruction of Documents (1.04 MB) .
8. Correspondence: - pdf TIR Cost Shared Program for Paving - Red Schoolhouse Lane (349 KB) .
9. Agenda Items for Future Meetings.
10. Adjournment.
Chris Frotten, CAO